Sunday, June 12, 2011


One of my greatest JOYS in life is going to see musicals.

Being homeless and jobless, I did not have the $36.00 dollars needed to attend.
If I did have the money, my priorities should be to save for an apartment, buy some food or get my car fixed.  To be honest, I would rather stay homeless, starve and not have a car if that means that I would get to spend a night at the theatre.

My wish came true?  I explained to the owner of the theatre that I was jobless and homeless but that I REALLY wanted to see his show, Gypsy but that I could not afford the thirty six dollars.  The owner touched my heart.  He let me in for free.

I was SO excited.  I got to see Gypsy in Hollywood on a Friday night.

Three lessons learned from Gypsy

1)  You have to have a Dream

2)  Never Give Up

3)  Even if you have No talent you can still make it in show business

There was only one thing missing from a perfect evening.  My sister.
I love going to the theatre with my sister Linda.

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