Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Purple Tree Day

There is no color that brings me greater JOY than the color purple!

In the Garden of Eden, there was the Tree of Life and there was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  I am quite uncertain why the Purple Tree was not mentioned.  Since Purple is the color of royalty, I would think God would want us to focus that we are not just human beings but rather The Children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  Are we not the royal priesthood of God?

Today started a new chapter in my book of life.  Today I started volunteering at The Church of the Blessed Sacrament on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood.  I love living in Venice Beach.   I hate living in Hollywood.  However, I can visit Venice Beach anytime I desire.  I believe God is calling me to Hollywood to start learning and researching for the documentary that I am trying to make, write and produce.  The Church of the Blessed Sacrament is doing what God has called all the churches to do.  To love and tend to the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, homeless, and incarcerated. 

Here is what took place with me today.  

This morning I went to breakfast at the Social Service building portion of the church.  Ryan and Nathan's smiling faces were there to greet me.  After breakfast, I went to the food pantry portion of the church to start volunteering.  As I was wearing sandles ( I am a monk now), Tyrone was concerned for my safety and told me that when I had shoes that I could start serving next week.  While I had been in line for my canned goods, I met a young man named Kodak.  He is from Oceanside and is here with his brother and his girlfriend.  They were sleeping still as they had just arrived last night.  Not knowing the area, I filled him in about the social service building and invited them to lunch.  Kodak was very grateful.  

Putting my cans in my car, I returned to the Social Service building and waited with dozens of other homeless and hungry for lunch.  My heart almost broke when I started talking to a young pregnant lady who as soon as she got pregnant was abandoned by her boyfriend.  She is going to keep her baby and is trying to find a job in a jobless world and pay for a home with no income.  Her new boyfriend is from Russia is going to try to help her make ends meet.  I SO wanted to ask Sue to give this young girl my spot at her one bedroom apartment.  However, Sue and her three girls are in no financial position to take on one more soul.  Between friends and her being on the priority homeless shelter lists, I am certain that God will send extra angels to watch out for her.  If he does not, I will look out for this precious little lamb of God.

While engaged in conversation with my new friends, a young woman walks up to me with a man caring several brown paper bags.  "Excuse me, sir" she said. "I notice that you are wearing sandles.  Would you care for a pair of shoes?"

"I would love a pair."  I said. "Then I shall be able to volunteer at the food pantry and prepare food here in the kitchen."  I decided to not try to explain the "whole monk/oblate" thing.  Certainly, she would think that I was one of the homeless who had lost their mind. 

"Do you have size 12?"  I said.

God had sent this man.  Of course, he had my size.

I consider myself the richest man in the world as I put on a brand new pair of socks to wear with my "new to me" white gym shoes!

God is continuing to complete the good work he began in me.

John Thomas is an oblate who has given his life to serve Jesus Christ and wait like a virgin bride for the return of the Bridegroom.  John Thomas feels closest to God when he is near the ocean.  He can visit Venice Beach any time he desires.  God has called John Thomas to The Church of the Blessed Sacrament to learn and research for the documentary to call God's Church back to their true mission of caring for the least of those in the kingdom of God.  My work load is very full.  I am called to be joyful always, pray continually and give thanks for all circumstances as this is God's will for each and every one of us.  God has made me the primary care giver for Donnie Harbeck who travels with his two pets, Baby and Clyde.  Donnie is severely mentally ill and is best left in the state of dreaming.  John Thomas is a writer and works diligently at his craft.  Now he has committed to making, writing and producing a documentary.  Is this God's calling for John Thomas?  Is this just another Delusion of Grandeur of Donnie's?  The truth is maybe it is a little of both.

Please pray with me that God give me the wisdom and discernment to know the difference.  Please keep in mind that God took Jude Geerdes away from me.  She is a new creation also.  Her name is Wu!

The funny thing is I went to a church service yesterday and God's name is HU.

What a wonderful day today is turning out to be!  I am having a Purple Tree Day!

I yearn, long and pray to see what beautiful fruit will come from this tree!

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