Monday, June 20, 2011

I Come to My Garden Alone

Living in the this concrete jungle called Hollywood, it is important I come to My Garden alone.

I need to bask in the sun, as I search for God's Son, Jesus Christ,

There no longer is an agenda with the exception of justing wanting to be in the presence of God.

If I were by the ocean, I would rest in solitude as I tried to listen to God breathe with every wave that the tide brought in and out.  In the concrete jungle called Hollywood, I need to escape the sirens, the traffic, the noise as I try to listen to that still small voice of God.

This little fountain helps me to escape all the hustle and bustle of a city as I contemplate the trickling of the water.  I think of the Living Water which Jesus Christ desires for me.

How will I be one of God's servants and friend's by offering a cold cup of water to someone who is thirsty?  Before I can be of any help to someone else, I need to draw from God's well.  Well, in this case, this fountain will do just fine.

Are you thirsty?  Have you taken some time to draw some Living Water?  Have you offered someone a cup of water to drink today?

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