Thursday, June 30, 2011

Two Little Boys

There were two little boys!

One was always negative.  The other.  Always positive.

A group of psychologists decided that it was the environment that determined a person's attitude.  Change the environment and you will change the person's attitude.

They tried an experiment.  They put the negative little boy in a room full of toys.  Every toy imaginable was in this room.  In another room, they put the little positive boy in a room full of manure.

When they went to check on the little negative boy in the room full of toys.  They were shocked.  He was crying in the middle of the floor.  "What's wrong?"  they asked the little boy.  He was very mad and responded, "There is no place for me to play with any of these toys!"

When they went to check on the other little boy.  They also were shocked.  The little boy was flinging around manure everywhere and singing Old McDonald had a farm.  They asked him why he was SO happy.  "With all this manure, there has to be a pony in here someplace!"

I used to be the first boy.  I am happy to report that I choose to be the positive person from now on.  At least, I am going to try!

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