Thursday, June 2, 2011

Whether You Wish Upon A Star, Say a Prayer, or Go to the Wishing Well

Whether you wish upon a star, say a prayer or go to the wishing well, I implore you to do whatever you think might be the best way for me to get my mission accomplished!

Being jobless, homeless and broke might be the worst time for me to venture on making a documentary.  However, it also might be the best time.

"These were the worst of times, these were the best of times..."  are the first words from a movie Tim Page and I starred in with Robin Williams and Kurt Russell.  It was my first extra role.  Tim Page had found me the job.  My dreams of being a famous movie star were being set in place.....

Nearly three decades later, I am blogging to ask you to help me  instead make a mission come to fruition for me.  My hope is to get the documentary, PROJECT: HOMELESS written, filmed and produced.

This is a God sized vision and mission that I believe God has given me the task to produce.  Within in a very short time, we will see if this is a prompting from God or just another one of my "Delusions of Grandeur".

"IF a man will not work, he shall not eat."  Yesterday I earned my first ten dollars in more than two months.  I was paid ten dollars to take an HIV test.  Very happy to report that the results were negative.  This may be one of the first times that I prayed for negative results.

This morning I had breakfast at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament.  This afternoon, I visited the food pantry.  Wanting to work, I asked Tyrone if they ever needed volunteers to put together the packages for the hundreds of hungry who visited the food pantry three times a week.  Perfect timing.  All the high school volunteers would be getting out of school and would be off for the summer.  I will be starting this Saturday or next Tuesday.  For the last ten days, I have been able to survive with NO money.  God wins our bet!  I told God that it was possible to live without Him but it was not possible to live without money

I can be homeless and jobless without money.  However, I would have never survived being in the position that I am in without God!  Being homeless and jobless is the best thing ever to happen to me!  Please make a wish, say a prayer, or support me in my quest to see if this documentary is the direction, the work, and the task God has ordained me to do.

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