Monday, June 13, 2011

A Little Love Story

There was this little boy who loved this beautiful little bird.

There was this little bird who loved this precious little boy.

The little boy traveled over 6000 miles to be with this little bird.  Only to end up homeless and was forced to live in a broken down old car.  He knew that living in a cage and in a sweltering car by day and cold by night was no life for his remarkable little feathered friend.  Loving the bird enough to give it a choice,  "You can stay or you can Fly away Baby fly away" he said.

If birds could talk or if you could read this bird's mind, the truth be told, the beautiful little bird knew that  homeless shelters do not allow pets of any kind.  This feathered friend of this little boy decided to fly away so that the little boy could find a home of his own.

The little boy cried and cried and cried.

There was a nice man who held the little boy until he fell asleep.

Now the little boy dreams of seeing his beautiful little bird again.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Baby, but she was very smart - I'm sure she will be OK (probably pick out somebody to claim).

    Whats up with Clyde?
