Thursday, June 9, 2011


On the way to church, I passed this homeless man.

When I met with one of the volunteers at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, I was advised to remedy my homeless situation by going to PATH.  I complied with their wishes and for the first time in fifteen days needed $1.50 to ride the Metro to get to the organization.  People Assisting The Homeless.

Arriving at PATH at 6:00 am, I was the first person to arrive to this organization which opens at 7:30 am.  The security guard was kind enough to let me fill out the application while I was waiting.  The time flew by as I had the chance to talk to Julie Tabian Carlson and Kelly Williams.  They were both shocked that I was up even before they were with the two hour time change.  We laughed and my heart was filled with JOY reconnecting with these remarkable friends.

At 8:00 am I was called in to speak with the case worker.  Thank God I was there early.  One case worker was off, another had gone into the hospital the night before and the only case worker could only take on 9 new clients this day.

Here is the bottom line.

1)  They can not give me temporary housing unless I have a job or General Relief.

2)  I am welcome to use their resource center.

3)  Emergency housing is available to me as I am homeless but I would need to speak with Ms. Vicki

4)  I am able to use their address for job applications.

Being the time had not run out on my one way Metro pass, I continued my journey to downtown LA to the Los Angeles Mission.  Remember when you tried to not step on a crack on the sidewalk or you would break your mother's back?  Never seeing so many homeless before, I tried not to step on one who uses "crack" and I saw many who were broken in many more ways than just their back.  Arriving two hours before the emergency case worker arrived, I decided to walk to the Social Service office which seemed to be only one street away from skid row.

Yes, it is only one street and three miles away from the mission.  Trying not to step on the sleeping homeless, I stumbled over to the Social Service Center.

Hours and six government workers later, here are the results.

1)  I do not qualify for General Relief. I seem to be a rich homeless and jobless man.  Thus, I will not be staying at PATH until I find a job.

2)  Although I did not ask for food stamps, the government had me file anyway since I am homeless.

3)   Since I am homeless, I was finger printed.

4)  In order to receive food stamps, I need to provide them with my social security card, my car registration, and copies of my bank statements.  Although the government has all this information, I have been given three new hoops to jump through.  I have 10 days to complete this paperwork or I need to start the process over.

Walking back to the Los Angeles Mission and not tripping over the homeless on my three mile walk, I run across this sign.

REALLY!  The homeless were laughing hysterically as they asked me what I was doing taking pictures.

"THIS IS RIDICULOUS!"  I yelled.  "I am going to do something about this!"

The homeless laughed even louder.  I imagined one of them saying,  "You are crazier than we are!"

Returning to the Mission, I am shocked.  All the gates are locked.  The mission is closed until 1:00 pm.  Not wanting to have the day be a total waste, I walked in the opposite direction to the Social Security office.  I would  start jumping through the three hoops and get my social security card.

Remember the the riddle, "Here's the church, here's the steeple, open the door and see all the people."

Government rewrite.

 Here's the sign, here's the building, look through the closed curtains and see an empty and locked building.

Bottom line.  With the government cut backs, this office has been closed.  No sign posted.

Now I need another $1.50 for the return ride home on the Metro.

Moral of the story! or Random Act of Kindness?

There is a guy standing near the ticket center.  It is clear that he has heard me collect the two quarters that were returned from my two dollars for the Metro ticket.

He asks politely, "Do you have a quarter you can spare?"

I who never used to give beggars money said, "Here's two."

"Thank you SO much " he said as I continued to walk.  As I turned to watch if he would get a ticket, I noticed he continued to stand there.  I walked back and gave him another dollar.

"May God bless you."  His eyes welled up with tears.

"He just did."  I started to cry as I walked towards the Metro.

I turned again.  He got his ticket and started to walk towards the Metro too.

Yes, God had directed MY PATH.  I would be back in time to go to group therapy, dinner and then to Wednesday night Bible study.

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