Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Homeless Situation

The country seems to believe that the homeless situation is the problem of the US government.

I believe the solution for the homeless is the Church.

The only reason the government has been forced to deal with the homeless is because the Church has failed to do what Jesus has called the church to do.

The Church is not a building.  The church is made up of believers.  The church is you and me.  There is not a homeless person out there who does not have family and friends who could/should help their brother or sister.  The horrific thing is the church has turned a blind eye.  You and I have chosen to be blind to the homeless situation.

I have decided to try to do something about it.  Hopefully, I will be able to make a documentary bringing to light that most of these homeless and jobless are wonderful, skilled and talented brothers and sisters that need a little help to get back on their feet.

Will you help me, help them?

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