Monday, May 9, 2011

Trusting God

Today I text my sister Linda and my friend Donovan that "I am SO lost in life!  I do not know what God wants me to do."  With a few poor choices, I ended up homeless and jobless.

Then it occurred to me.  That is exactly where God wants me to be.  Truth be told I never trusted God before.  Now is the best time for me to draw closer to God as I must trust him.  It is easy to follow God when things go well for you but will you follow Jesus when things are not going well.

Brownsville, Oregon is not where God wants me to be.  I thought it was but it leaded to a dead end road for me.  A few minutes ago, I set a fleece before the Lord.  The question was whether I should stay in Brownsville or leave?  I already knew the answer but God humored me by answering my question.
Had I never come to Brownsville, I would have never known if this was the right place for me or not.

"If at first you do not succeed, try, try again." is one way to look at it.

However, I prefer, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path."

The journey continues.  Only God knows where I will show up!  I hope you journey with me!


  1. Hey JT, check out these Yiayia TV Commercials;
    they are the funniest things I have EVER seen!!

  2. You are still welcome here. I haven't slept in "your" guest bed since the day I readied it for your anticipated arrival. The girls and I all fit very comfortably into the single bedroom. We were all a little sad that you didn't make it here. I hope you'll wander back this way.
