Friday, May 6, 2011

Thank God for Julie Tabian Carlson

I spent most of the day in the traditional way of drawing closer to God by reading the Word of God and praying.  However, Jesus decided to make his presence known through my dear friend, Julie Tabian Carlson.  Thank God for Julie Tabian Carlson.

If any of you have followed this blog or any other blog of mine, you will know that I have been having my own pity party for the last couple of decades.  Somewhere in my life, I had decided that it was time for Jesus' return.  In his own words, Jesus said, "I am coming soon!"  I had decided that soon was now.  Somewhere I decided that either Jesus return or He needed to bring me home to heaven to be with him.  Thus, you can see the crux of my dilemna and plight.  Jesus is not here and I am not there.  Oh, woe is me!

Here is a text from Julie:  "Donn, You still have much to do on Earth which is what God made you for!"

Let me be honest with you!  I could have read the Bible from cover to cover.  I have.  Who cares? But no where in the Bible did I ever hear the words that I needed to hear today.  Jesus is alive and lives in my friend Julie.  Jesus wants to live in me.  Jesus wants to live in you!

The truth is God still does have much work for me to do on Earth which is what I was made for.  I have eternity to spend with Jesus and for Jesus to be with me.  There is a very short span of time in comparison to eternity that I have to do God's work here on earth.

Today Julie Tabian Carlson was Jesus Christ to me.  Tomorrow, I hope that I allow Jesus Christ to live in me.  My invitation to you is that you allow Jesus Christ to live in you.  Will you?

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