Saturday, May 21, 2011

When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat.

Jesus separates the sheep from the goats and says, "When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat."  Today I was one of those hungry people.  The Church of the Blessed Sacrament fed over 200 homeless people today.  This is one of the four areas in which the hungry were fed.

I felt like a king as I was served grilled steak and barbeque chicken, white rice and black beans, a fresh tossed salad and fresh mouth watering watermelon.  The volunteers from Loyola even gave us a choice of bottled water, soft drinks or fresh juice.

Tomorrow I hope to be one of the volunteers that serve the hungry.

Soon I hope to produce a film to help teach other churches to do the same.

With all my heart, I believe the church can solve the homeless situation.  I plan on dedicating the rest of my life to that task.  Will you help me?

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