Monday, May 23, 2011

Listening to God Breathe

WHO Am I?  I am a new creation in Christ named John Thomas.

Where am I?  Today I wandered back and forth from Santa Monica Beach to Venice Beach.

Where do I feel closest to God?  I feel closest to God when I am by the ocean.

Why am I here on earth?  To bring God glory.

What am I going to do with the remainder of my days?  PROJECT: HOMELESS

After over a half a century of wandering around aimlessly in life, things are starting to fall into place.  Who would have ever thought that my becoming homeless and jobless would be the best thing to ever happen to me?  I see life with new eyes, and I am hearing with new ears.  Being by the ocean is like listening to God breathe.  Trying to draw nearer to God to find out how a homeless and jobless person can begin the task of putting a documentary together to address homelessness is the United States.  This is is not the government's problem.  The solution lies within the walls of the Church.  You and I are the church.  Please pray for how you might help me on this monumental task of ending homelessness in our nation.

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