Sunday, May 5, 2013

Answered Prayer

What an incredible Sunday it is today!  God answered my prayer.  My niece, Ashley Haynes sent me a card that touched the very core of my being.  Unfortunately, the postman mailed it back.  Although the mail does not get delivered on Sunday, I prayed that the note would  be there.  I have not been checking mail lately as I found it too depressing to go unlock an empty mailbox.

"Dear Lord, please, please, PLEEEEEASE let Ashley's note be in my mailbox."  I begged.

As I opened the mailbox, I was happy to see that Elva Adams sent me a card.  Elva is Aunt Lora's daughter.  Coincidence or Divine Intervention that I should here from Elva after having a "Divine moment" with dearly departed Aunt Lora.  As I picked up the card from Elva, there it was.  Ashley had mailed back the note that had been mailed back to her.

"Thank you so much God!"

Today I am going to look for a frame for Ashley's card and the three zoo animals cards from the Polly Pocket game Ashley and I played almost twenty years ago.

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