Tuesday, May 14, 2013

When God Seems Distant

To be honest with you, God usually seems distant to me.  I usually have felt that God has abandoned me due to my sinful nature.  The good news is that is all changing.  When I was homeless, I learned to totally trust God and learned to be more compassionate with other homeless individuals.  When I was jobless, I discovered that God always took care of my needs and learned to be more frugal.  When I was recovering from open heart surgery, I remembered all the times that I was not thankful for having wonderful health.  Without your health, nothing else matters much.

Today is a new day!  I feel close to God whenever I walk by the ocean which is only a few blocks from my home.  I feel close to God whenever I tend to the garden that God and I have planted.  I feel close to God whenever I marvel at the water worlds that God and I created.  I feel close to God when I look at my prayer wall and thank God for all the friends and family that he has blessed me with.  I feel close to God when I think of my Grandma singing to me,

"Count your blessings, name them one by one,
  count your blessings, see what God has done,
  count your blessings, name them one by one,
  count your many blessings, see what God has done."

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