Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mormon Mentality

If you are a Mormon, one of the beliefs is that you will become a god of your own planet one day.  Although I am catholic, I am and forever will be a priest in the Aaronic priesthood of The Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints.  My priesthood was sealed in the temple.  Whatever is sealed in the temple is sealed for all eternity.  This is also one of the beliefs.

With that as the premise, I asked God to come visit one of the water worlds we created.  God was happy to come with me   When we got to the world, we were aghast.

The ghost shrimp had decided to make escargot with many of the snails.  Although the male guppy has three wives of his own, he lusted after the beautiful female swordfish.  This swordfish was more beautiful than the other female.  The handsome male red swordfish was jealous of the male guppy lusting over his wife.  The less beautiful female swordfish was jealous of the more beautiful swordfish and how she had the attention of two male fish and she had the attention of none.  Somehow in all of that lusting and jealousy, they decided to kill the more beautiful female swordfish.  If that was not enough, there were too many fish, snails, ghost shrimp and catfish cleaning the tank.  The algae eater died because the tank was too clean. 

Before I had invited God to come to this world with me, I had cleaned the tank with a syphon to drain some of the dirty water.  Unfortunately, one of the ghost shrimp was vacuumed out of the tank.  Being that the ghost shrimp are almost invisible and mixed with dirty water.  Well, you understand the rest.  That reminds me of the story of "Don't throw away the baby with the bath water."  But that is another story for another time.

There I was looking at our world having dinner with God.  I was eating a shrimp cocktail as an appetizer.  God skipped this course.  He was not that hungry.  The fish were somewhat afraid of us.  They were uncertain whether we came to feed them or scare them with the UFO aka syphon hose.  The ghost shrimp looked at me in utter horror with fear and trembling.  They had come to believe that one of the shrimp I was eating was one of their relatives.

God did not need to say a word.  I knew that I was going to need a lot more time before God was going to trust me with a planet of my own.  The good news is that on an eternal continuum, I am merely a babe.  A child of God.

P.S.  I finished eating the shrimp cocktail out of sight of the fish especially the ghost shrimp.  As I opened the lid of their tank like God would open up the heavens, I fed these beautiful creatures of God.  Like manna from heaven, everyone swam to the top of the water for their version of "our daily bread".  I gave them more than they needed so that the tank could get dirty again so that all the fish would have food to eat.  Even the bottom dwellers.

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