Monday, May 13, 2013

Purpose Driven Life - Day Thirteen

Day 13: Worship That Pleases God – Day 13 wants us know the type of worship that pleases God. Worshipping God with all your heart is what he desires, plain and simple. The chapter goes on to say the kind of worship that please God has four characteristics: God is pleased when our worship is accurate – based on truth and scripture. God is pleased when our worship is authentic – Worship with all your heart and spirit, it needs to be genuine and heartfelt. God is pleased when our worship is thoughtful – Loving God with all your mind is the basis here, come up with different ways and names that you can praise God. God is pleased when our worship is practical – Offer your body as a living sacrifice to God daily, take the time and effort to worship God throughout your day. Whether it’s helping someone out or getting out of bed to pray.
Question to consider today is: Which is more pleasing to God right now – my public worship or my private worship? What will I do about this?
I’m honestly not sure about this one, I’m the type of person that likes to worship in private. I do participate in worship when I’m at Church, but I’m not the type to be falling, jumping, running all over the place. That’s just not my thing, I’d rather praise him where I stand. However, worship is not about praising God, it’s in the things you do on a daily basis, helping your fellow-man, being thankful and truly grateful for what’s he’s given me. I still prefer the confines of my prayer closet, I’m sure I’ll get to that place at some point.
Learning to live in the moment,

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