Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Planned for God's Pleasure

As we continue our eighth day on the purpose driven life, I am thrilled to learn that we were planned for God's pleasure.  Rick Warren says, "Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship."  I had no idea that I was worshipping God today as I shopped at the Goodwill store.  Once a month, they have a half price day at the Goodwill.  They had a picture of Michelangelo's "The Creation of Man" that I really wanted to hang over one of the aquarium worlds that God and I created.

This picture is like the ocean to me.  I feel closer to God when I gaze upon the genius work of Michelangelo.  How I long and yearn to reach out and touch God.  To know that this brings pleasure to God fills my heart and soul with joy.  Usually I think of worship as Bible study, prayer and fasting etc. but to find that worship is anything that brings pleasure to God is quite refreshing.

What ways do you like to worship God?

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