Saturday, May 18, 2013

In the Groove with God

Yesterday the lesson for a purpose driven life is that we are all part of God's family.  God calls his family The Church.  God also desires for us to be part of a local church.  After completing my blog at the Apple store, I was walking on State Street and someone invited me to church.  What is even more interesting is the person who asked me to church does not like me.  I thanked him for inviting me and looked towards the heavens and knew that I was in the groove with God.

This is not a typical church service that I would normally attend.  The children were running up and down the aisles.  They were noisy but filled with laughter.  There was a woman who stood in the very front of the church during worship and danced around like she was having an epileptic seizure.  Naturally there is only one person clapping as loud as he can and he is standing next to me.  As I am sitting in the chair bent over in a posture of prayer trying to listen to God, Satan seems to be laughing at me at how foolish I was to come here.

God was at work.  The noisy children always stopped and smiled at me.  There laughter made me smile.  God reminded me of His Son's words, "Let the children come unto me."  God reminded me that I will always be a child of God.

The epileptic woman was actually euphoric and it was obvious she loved God.  Like David who danced naked in the temple, this woman gave her entire being over to God in worship.

The man who was clapping out of sync with the music?  Still annoying.  Not sure what I was to learn from him.  God was not amused that I thought he was a wolf in sheep's clothing and that he had been sent by Satan.  Ask Melissa about me.  I think Satan has nothing better to do than to devote all his time to destroying my life.  Satan does not need to destroy my life.  I do that quite well on my own.  See Melissa ~  I am growing.

"Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless his holy name!" came to my heart, mind and soul.  I started singing to God in silence as I tried to block out all the noise and people who had distracted me.  Two songs later, the worship team sang the same version of the song that I was singing. There are thousands of worship songs.  To me, it was a small miracle that they played the song that was on my heart.  Some would say it was The Holy Spirit.  Only God knows.

 During worship, they asked everyone to pray for each other.  This included the laying on of hands.  Someone touched my shoulder and started praying.  The person was behind me so I have no idea who it was.  As you know, my love language is touch.  I felt loved by a person I never met.  Another person later touched my other shoulder and started praying by humming.  He had strong hands and it was comforting for me who had a weak soul.  I was praying for Jolene Carroll Larsen who is going through a very difficult time.  I love her so much and wish I was able to give her a great big hug.  I tried to imagine this:

The pastor was incredible.

"It is not important what we think of God, what matters most is that we know what God thinks of us."

"There is nothing wrong with the human race because God designed us."

It does not matter what church you attend, just that you do.  I understand the importance of belonging to a local body.  My best years have been when I was connected to the church.

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