Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Purpose Driven Life - Day 1

Purpose Driven Life : Day 1 – It All Starts with God

Colossians 1:16 (Msg.) “For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, … everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him.”
Bertrand Russell, atheist : “Unless you assume [there is] a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless.”
It’s not about me.
Three Insights:
    1. Relationship with Jesus leads to discovery of my identity and purpose.
    2. God planned me without my input. I may many things about my life, but not its purpose!
    3. My purpose interacts in God’s larger, cosmic purpose.
Pt. 2 Ponder: “It’s not about me!”
Verse 2 Remember: Col. 3:16b (Msg.) “Everything got started in Him and finds it’s purpose in Him.”
Question 2 Consider : How can I remind myself that life is really about Christ?
Answer : By thinking about God first thing in the morning, when I first wake up; ask God to open my eyes and ears and soften my heart toward my fellow mankind. Think how is what I am about to do, don’t do, say or don’t say going to impact this person. Is it for the greater good of them or does it merely scratch my itch?
What drives most people? Success, Wealth, Health
What drives me? Financial needs, Physical / emotional gratification
Metaphor for my life : Merry go Round – jumping from horse to horse, going in a circle headed no where.

How would you like to take a forty day journey with me?   Maybe you have taken this journey before.  Maybe you are in a different place in life as I am.  Whether you accept my invitation or not, I am looking forward to what God reveals and unveils.  If you go to the store, I hope you will purchase the book, THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE by Rick Warren.  One of my claims to fame is that I know Rick Warren.  He is an incredible Christian and beautiful human being.

My friend Jolene did not inform me about an event one time.  She told me that "I always make everything about me"!  A friend of ours was very sick and she felt that our friend did not need to deal with the "chaos" that I am known to bring.  I love Jolene.  She is one of the strongest Christians and sisters in Christ that I know.  Yes, it hurt to hear her words.  However, Jolene only speaks the truth.
The truth is "It's not about me!"

If I learn nothing more from this forty day journey, I have the rest of my life to ponder these words from Rick Warren and Jolene Larsen Carroll. 

It is not about me...It is about Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

  1. That was so hard for me to say, John, but it was really more the words of our very ill friend. She had told me at the time that she wasn't up to visitors of any kind and as much as she loved you, she wouldn't allow anyone to see her when she was so sick.

    Don't beat yourself up!! You know I love you, dear one.
