Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Diane Crawford

I Really wish I knew how to post the picture of one of my high school Madrigal partners.  Diane Crawford is absolutely beautiful and she has an amazing voice.  I still carry her picture in my wallet.  This is what she wrote on the back of her senior picture. 


   (My Madrigal partner.)  I don't mind sharing you with Marianne!  HA!  Choir's been a lot of fun this year, so much I wish I wasn't graduating.  Take care & Keep in touch!

Love, Diane '75"

Marianne was unable to attend the international madrigal competition in Mexico so Diane went in her place.  I think I was the only male madrigal to ever have had four partners.  I used to brag that I always had the female with the best voice of the eight girls.  Years after graduating, I asked Mr. Dobler, the Madrigal Director why he always gave me the most talented girls.  His answer.  "I always put the strongest female voices with the weakest male voices and visa versa.  Everyone blended much better that way."

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Diane, please tell her that I miss her and would love to reconnect and this time "Stay" in touch.

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