Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Not About Me

When my psychiatrist, Dr.  Harold Mozak told me that the world did not revolve around me, I thought he was insane.  Over twenty years later, I must admit  he was right.  I really believed the world revolved around me.  I thought everything was about me.  Today is my first day of a forty day journey and my first lesson is "It's Not About Me."

While shopping in Montecito, I ran into Carol Burnett.  In the past, I would get depressed that I was not as famous, talented or as funny as she is.  Although a little Star struck, I was able to thank Ms. Burnett for the many years of joy and laughter she filled my life with.  We had a chance to talk and she even remembered my friend, Jan Egan who was the runner up to Vickie Lawrence for the female role along with Harvey Korman and Tim Conway.  Not wanting to overstay my welcome, I thanked her again and continued about my business.

Catching the bus from Montecito to Goleta, I end up sitting next to Walter.  Walter is the sweetest old man.  We had a wonderful conversation.  When Walter got off at his stop, a man on the bus asked me if I knew who I was talking too.  I said, "Yes, Walter."

He said, "You were talking to Walter Kohn, the 1998 nobel prize winner for chemistry.  The building at UCSB he stopped at is named after him.

In the past, I would get all sad that I was such a failure and that I would never win a nobel prize.  Life was so wonderful for me today.  I met Carol and Walter.  As I continue to ponder, I am SO thankful that "It's Not About Me!"

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