Monday, May 6, 2013

Life is a Temporary Assignment

No one needs to tell me that this life is a temporary assignment.  There is nothing this life has to offer that will satisfy my soul.  "Only Jesus can satisfy my soul, only He can change my heart and make me whole...."  You can have the fame and fortune, all the wealth you could obtain, but unless you have Christ within, your living here is in vain.  There is a time when death shall call you, riches cannot help you then, for only Jesus can satisfy your soul."

However, God has me here for a purpose.  I have learned what God's will is:

1)  Be joyful always

2)  Pray continually

3)  Give thanks in all circumstances

It has taken me a half a century to get those words from my head to my heart.

For the next half a century, my aim is to focus on God's purpose for my life.  Since a thousand years is merely a day to God, I have a very short time to learn, listen, and live out this temporary assignment.  Maybe my purpose is as simple as inviting everyone I know to a wonderful place which will be our eternal home.  Even if that is not my purpose, I will spend the rest of my life sending out invitations.  I would be very sad if I went to heaven and I did not find you there.

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