Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fuchsia or Aubergine?

This past Sunday they closed down most of State Street for the Classic Car and Road Show.  I have no idea how many cars were there.  Hundreds?  I do know that they had over forty trophies that they passed out.  I have no idea what make or model most of the cars were.  I do remember that Mr. Haney's truck from Green Acres was there.  It was completely redone with a fold out picture of Mr. Haney in the window.

Take a stroll with me as I walked down State Street.

"Wow.  I love THAT shade of purple."

"Look at that COOL color of burgundy!"

"Why do they not use these colors anymore?"

"If I had money, I would buy that car.

"Why"  You ask.

"Because it is a purple convertible."

"Is that fuchsia or aubergine?

"Olympia Dukakis.  Steel Magnolias."  You answer.

We both laugh and start quoting all the lines from the movie.

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